Here are some examples of my work on journal article figures, graphical abstracts, oral presentation and poster figures and species symbols, with details about the context in which they were produced.
Plant cell wall construction during cytokinesis
Journal article figure made for Gu & Rasmussen (2022) Cell biology of primary cell wall synthesis in plants.
The Plant Cell 34(1) 103–128.
Response of plant-parasitic nematodes in resistant and susceptible plants
Journal article figure made for Kooliyottil et al. (2020) ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Transporter Genes in Plant-Parasitic Nematodes: An Opinion for Development of Novel Control Strategy.
Frontiers in Plant Science 11:582424.
Canopy opening impacts on beech trees
Graphical abstract of Dr. Estelle Noyer’s PhD thesis.
Responses to salinity and inundation increases
Figure made for a poster presentation summarizing the article Grewell et al. (2021) Salinity and inundation effects on Iris pseudacorus: implications for tidal wetland invasion with sea level rise.
Plant and Soil 466 275-291.
Population establishment via hydrochorous dispersal
Graphical abstract for Gillard et al. (2021) High aqueous salinity does not preclude germination of invasive Iris pseudacorus from estuarine populations.
Ecosphere 12(5) e03486.
Aquatic plants life forms
Symbols to illustrate life forms of aquatic plants (Floating-leaved, Submerged, Free-floating, Helophytes) in figures of the article Gillard et al. (2020) Same species, same habitat preferences? The distribution of aquatic plants is not explained by the same predictors in lakes and streams.
Freshwater Biology 65(5) 878-892.
Aquatic plants species
Species symbols to illustrate figures in Gillard et al. (2021) Heterogenous Impact of Water Warming on Exotic and Native Submerged and Emergent Plants in Outdoor Mesocosms.
Plants 10(7) 1324.